
Senior Lecturer / Assistant Professor

Department of Economics
Faculty of Economics and Business
University of Indonesia
UI Campus - Depok, 16424

  • Mobile Phone: +62 816 118 9299

    • The 5th IRSA International Institute:
      “Tourism and Sustainable Development”
      Bali – Indonesia, 3 - 4August, 2015. (with Arif R. Sobri)
    • 2014 EAAERE Inter-Congress Conference
      “Managing Environment and Resources in East Asia”
      Jakarta – Indonesia, 8December, 2014. (with Misdawita)
    • EcoMod 2014 Conference
      “Economic Modeling Conference”
      Bali – Indonesia, 16 - 18July, 2014. (with Nurkholis, Tony Irawan and Ahmad Komarulzaman)
    • The 12th IRSA International Conference:
      “Political Economy of Regional Development in Indonesia”
      Makassar – Indonesia, 2 - 3June, 2014. (with Misdawita)
    • The 23rd Pacific Conference of The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and The 4th Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA).
      “Green Growth and Global Recovery: Regional Perspective”
      Bandung, 2-4 July 2013. (with Nurkholis and Aldi M. Hutagalung)
    • The 5th Annual CRNI Conference:
      “Competition and Regulation in Network Industries”
      Brussels – Belgium, 30 November, 2012. (with Aldi Hutagalung)
    • The 11th IRSA International Conference:
      “Natural Resources, Environment and People's Welfare in Decentralized Indonesia”
      Banjarmasin – Indonesia, 9 - 11 July, 2012. (with Aldi Hutagalung)
    • The 22nd Pacific Conference of Regional Science Association International (PRSCO)
      Seoul, 3-6 July 2011. (with Ahmad Komarulzaman).
    • The Academic Seminar 2010:
      "Masalah dan Kebijakan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia dalam Rangka Penguatan Ekonomi Domestik"
      (Problems and Policies of the Indonesian Economic Development in the Framework of Strengthening the Domestic Economy)
      Jakarta, 28 September, 2010. (with Wisynu Wardhana).
    • The 10th IRSA International Conference:
      "Reintegrating Indonesian Regional Economy in the Global Era"
      Surabaya - Indonesia, 28 - 29 July, 2010. (with Tony Irawan dan Ferry Irawan).
    • Research Day 2009 - Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia, A Study on The Development of Indonesia What Can Research Reveal?
      Depok, Indonesia, 12 November, 2009.
    • The 2nd IRSA International Institute, The Political Economics of Regional Development
      Bogor, Indonesia, 21-23 July, 2009.
    • The 5th Academic Seminar 2008, "Upaya Peningkatan Ketahanan Ekonomi dengan Antisipasi Perubahan Ekonomi Global: Penguatan Kebijakan Moneter, Pemantapan Ketahanan Energi dan Pangan serta Respon Terhadap Isu Perubahan Iklim untuk Menciptakan Pembangunan Ekonomi yang Berkelanjutan" (The Efforts for Enhancing Economic Stability/Solidity by Anticipating the Change of Global Economy: Strengthening Monetary Policy, Energy and Food Security and Responses to the Climate Change for Sustainable Development).
      Jakarta, 2-3 December, 2008.
    • The 11th International Convention of The East Asian Economic Association (EAEA)
      Manila, 15-16 November 2008. (with Tony Irawan)
    • The 9th IRSA International Conference, "The Current and Future Issues of Regional Development, Energy and Climate Change"
      Palembang, Indonesia, 31 July - 01 August, 2008.
    • The 4th Academic Seminar 2007, "Desentralisasi Untuk Peningkatan Daya Saing Daerah: Penguatan Kelembagaan, Integrasi Kebijakan Fiskal dan Moneter, Serta Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Untuk Bersaing Dalam Era Liberalisasi Ekonomi" (Decentralization for Enhancing Regional Competitiveness, Fiscal and Monetary Policy Integration, and Sustainable Development in Competing Economic Liberalization Era).
      Jakarta, 12-13 December, 2007.
    • The 1st IRSA International Institute, "Sustainable Regional Development: The Role of Infrastructure in Achieving Millennium Development Goals"
      Bandung, Indonesia, 1-3 November, 2007.
    • The KNSO Internasional Convention on Growth, Distribution, and Social Accounting Matrices
      Daejon - Korea, 25-26 October 2007. (with Budy P. Resosudarmo)
    • International Workshop: Regional Economic Integration and Its Impacts on Growth, Poverty and Income Distribution in East Asia, Nagoya University
      Japan, 28-29 January 2007. (with D. S. Priyarsono)
    • The 3rd Academic Seminar 2006, "Sinergi Untuk Penguatan Perekonomian Nasional Di Tengah Perkembangan Ekonomi Global: Strategi memerangi Ekonomi Biaya Tinggi Dan Pengangguran Untuk Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Stabilitas Makro" (Synergy for Strengthening National Economic in the mid of Global Economic Development: A Strategy for Fighting High Cost Economy and Unemployment to Generate Economic Growth and Macro Stability.
      Jakarta, 6-7 December, 2006.
    • The 10th International Convention of The East Asian Economic Association (EAEA)
      Beijing, 18-19 November 2006. (with Budy P. Resosudarmo)
    • The 8th IRSA International Conference, "Empowering Regional Economic Development toward Sustainable Poverty Alleviation: Good Governance, Financing Development, and The Environment"
      Malang, Indonesia, 18-19 August, 2006.
    • The 2nd Academic Seminar 2005, "Indonesian Economy under Global Changes: Strengthening Monetary-Financial Stability and Real Sector to Accelerate Economic Growth".
      Jakarta, 16-17 November, 2005.
    • The 7th IRSA International Conference, "Natural Disasters' Impacts and Challenges for Recovery: Economic Development Strategy Focusing on Aids, Governance, Infrastructure & Environment".
      Jakarta (Depok), 3-4 August, 2005.
    • The 5th IRSA International Conference, "Regional Development in a Decentralized Era: Public Services, Poverty, and the Environment".
      Bandung, 18-19 July, 2003.